THANK GOD!!!! Someone has come to their senses. After one of the most ridiculous baans of all time, they have reversed their decision and are once again allowing the sale of foie gras in Chicago. It always boggles my mind how quickly people bash foie gras but in the meantime have no problem with mass produced chicken, pork etc....let me assure that these ducks live a much better life than the "yellow chikens" that seem to be at every grocery store. If some of these politicians had any balls they would be targeting these corporate giants who have made many forget what a real piece of chicken or pork actually tastes like.
How about banning Mcdonalds and some of the other chains that have set this country back decades with all the crap they choose to serve and families that dont know better feed their children. I realize this would never happen because it is much easier to pick on the little guys but the banning of hormone enhanced, overly processed, pesticide ridden and antibiotic full foods would do alot more for everyone than the banning of foie gras ever would.