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March 30, 2009


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Natalie Sztern

what's to go shopping, any jeweler can fit a 3 carat on a shank....(play on words cause a shank is also the round portion of a ring)

Dan D'Agostino

Woah!!! What was on the menu of the Cavs "thank you" dinners??
You should sing the national anthem at one of the games of the Finals (because Cavs are DEFINITELY going!)! hahaha
Happy Birthday to Liz!


Good for Liz..... I still can't stop counting at 29.


I saw an add on FoodNetwork for a new season of Dinner:Impossible and it was the insufferable Robert Irvine and not you! Are you no longer going to do that show? I can't imagine how you would have time with your schedule, but if that's the case, you will be missed.

michael symon

Dana..one season was enough for me!!...Was more than happy to keep the seat warm for Robert..but at the end of the day it just wasnt a great fit for me..working on some other things..ms


I can't believe you maintain the schedule you do! Best of luck and looking forward to your new adventures. Hope you're staying on Iron Chef, you are so fun to watch in action!

nancy wasen

I love your restaurants and love what you cook. You are such a big plus for Cleveland!!

Kimberlee Dahl

Michael, looking forward to what you and foodnetwork have in store for us. I miss seeing you on DI, even if it was temporary - you were enjoyable to watch and impressive with your impossible dinners! I am sorry to see they put Irvine back on...It's a shame it wasn't a good fit - hopefully you will come out with something else for us to look forward too. Keep up the good work! You are an inspiration! Congrats on Roast!


Michael, although Robert Irvine is good on dinner impossible I thought you were much better. Oh, when will you be back on Iron Chef? the episodes I've seen had Bobby Flay and Cat Cora in them. you are awesome!


Michal, there are rumors going around that you are no longer on ICA is this true? An answer would be greatly appreciated do to the fact that I was scared shitless when I first heard about it. I first heard about you when i read Ruhlmans book " Soul of a Chef and u utterly amazed me.


I just heard about your new place in Avon Lake. I am so thrilled! I live in Avon. Please have it open by June 19th - my 50th - I so much want to have a birthday dinner there!

Kelly Brill

Welcome to Avon Lake! It's great news that you're opening Bar Symon; we look forward to having you in town.


You should update twitter more often (mdsymon).


Congratulations on the JAMES BEARD AWARD!

carol peterman

Congratulations on your James Beard Award! I was at the Housewares show and was able to sneak away from my booth to watch your demo. It was great. I concur with the others who loved your DI episodes. Sorry you won't be doing more of them, but they do look ridiculously difficult.


Congratulations on your JAMES BEARD AWARD!!!! :)

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I really admire your cooking. We always visit your restaurants. Congratulations!


MS - I am a server in an area rest. ( not on the level of your eateries, not me, the eateries that is ) I just pulled up the B-Spot website and could kiss you ( we, maybe hug ) for your posture on the dining experience. I want to work for you! Continued Food Luck to you.

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This post makes me realize the energy of words and pictures. As always your things are just gorgeous and I am grateful that you let us look in! Have a good week!

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